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Alli Shapiro Amar

Our Story

Alli’s Journey is a non-profit, charitable organization that was created by a young woman named Alli Shapiro Amar. She was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 19. While enduring 7 years of treatment, Alli and her mother, Pam Shainhouse, noticed the lack of resources for young adults with cancer and were determined to do something about it.

Alli’s Journey is determined to support the young adult cancer population, ages 13-40, through initiatives such as our Comfort Bags project. We are determined to let young people know that the community cares about their fight. Since its launch in 2006, Alli’s Journey supporters have grown and we are thrilled to continue supporting the young adult cancer community in any way we can.

A Message From Alli

President’s Message

Throughout Alli’s personal journey for her cancer treatment, a seven-year ordeal, she never felt sorry for herself. Pity moments were few and far between. Alli fought a strong fight, a fight that every young adult with cancer is fighting now. Alli never had to fight alone, family support was always there.

However, Alli knew that so support was essential to a strong fight and she had to be at the helm of a charity that supported these young adults. Unfortunately, seven weeks after the launch of Alli’s Journey, on June 1, 2006, Alli passed away.

Seventeen years later, the Board of Directors, volunteers, donors and sponsors alike keep Alli’s support of young adults with cancer alive.

We are concentrating our fund-raising initiatives on two programs:

  • Began in 2014 – Comfort Bag Initiative: To date, we continue to raise money and distribute Comfort Bags for the young adult cancer (18-35) population.  We are working with the AYA programme (Adolescent and Young Adult) based out of Princess Margaret Hospital. We are honored to lend our support to three hospitals, Princess Margaret, Sunnybrook and Southlake. We will add more hospitals as AYA expands.
  • Began in 2023 – The AYA Art Therapy Program.  We are pleased to announce a new initiative in support of young adults with cancer: Mindfulness Based Art Therapy in conjunction with Adolescent and Young Adult program (AYA). Mindfulness based art therapy combines mindfulness practices and the creative process in a group session with the support of a certified art therapist.

We deliver approximately 250 bags per year, and now that we are expanding our hospitals we need to raise more money. Please take the time and push the “DONATE” button, every donation you make goes directly to the purchase of what we need. Our administration’s costs are minimal, the Board of Directors does everything. We have no staff. We are a Board with five members, so we must depend on our past, current and future donors.

Our Comfort Bags are only $25.00 each and the Art Therapy Program donation is $50.00 per person for one session, all with a charitable receipt given. We hope that you take the opportunity to buy a bag or two to honour a loved one, in testimony or memory. Please look at the items we need for our bags, and if you can help us with an in-kind donation, terrific!

Times are still challenging, and we know that this year is going to remain to be a difficult one, but we cannot give up. Young adult cancer is not giving up. We are determined to lend our support for those in need.

Pamela Shainhouse, President

Comfort Bags

Alli’s Journey’s flagship project is the creation and distribution of Comfort Bags to young adult cancer patients beginning their treatment.

These comfort bags include a variety of items meant to amuse, support, educate and comfort the young adult cancer patient. Hard-working volunteers are constantly at work securing donations for the bags and filling them with various items, such as toiletries, books, etc.

If you have any products that you believe that we can get donated, please send an email to us at

In partnership with

Support Alli’s Journey and Donate a Comfort Bag Today

Board of Directors

  • Pamela Shainhouse, President
  • Jordan Shapiro, Treasurer
  • Sam Aldridge, Member
  • Samuel Allemang, Secretary
  • Albert La Penna, Member